Buying / Selling your house
If you are selling a home or business property in Milford, you need to schedule a final water reading prior to the bank closing. Please call the office at 508-473-5110 at least two weeks prior to the closing date to make the appointment for the final water reading.
The Milford Water Department needs to have access to the water meter which is typically in the basement. The Realtor or homeowner needs to meet our technician at the house as we need to physically read the water meter and/or change it out if it is an older model meter.
At the time the final water reading is scheduled, the Milford Water Department needs the following information to make the appointment:
New Owners Name and mailing address (if not going to live at the property)
- Date of Closing
- Realtor’s Name and Telephone Number
- Closing Attorney’s Name, Telephone Number, Email Address or Fax Number
- Fax number or email address on where to send final bill
- How will final be paid? Will someone come to the office to pay it or is it going to be included in the closing documents?
Once the final water reading is complete, the technician will call the reading into the office. Within approximately two hours the final water bill will be available to be paid at the office on 66 Dilla Street, Milford or it will be faxed or emailed per the instructions received at the time the appointment is made.
If you are buying a house, you just need to call the office after the closing to make sure that we have the water account in your name.
Please feel free to call the office at 508-473-5110 if you have any additional questions.