Milford Water News

Milford Comprehensive Plan

Community Survey


Since January of this year, the Town of Milford has been working with the Metropolitan Area Planning Council (MAPC) to develop a new Comprehensive Plan. The Milford Comprehensive Plan will address key issues like housing, transportation, and economic development. The plan will include a community vision for the future of Milford, a set of goals and policies to help the Town reach that vision, and strategies to implement those goals and policies over the next ten years. The Comprehensive Plan Project Team has been busy the last few months, documenting existing conditions, learning about Town assets, and gathering input from civic leaders, municipal staff, and residents on community challenges, concerns, and needs.


We want to make sure that your voice is included, and the plan reflects all members of the community. Please take some time in the next couple of weeks to take the Comprehensive Plan Survey and provide your feedback. The survey can be found online at


For more information about the Milford Comprehensive Plan process visit the project website at