Irrigation Policy

Water Conservation Policy Relative to Irrigation Systems.

As part of its Mass Department of Public Utilities Approved Rules and Regulations M.D.P.U. No.19 –
sheet 13 and in response to the Mass Department of Environmental Protection’s request to develop a
more aggressive “Water Conservation Policy” to help meet future demands created a Water
Conservation Policy. As part of that approved policy the following reference to lawn irrigation systems
is in effect and has been since January 1, 2005.


(5) Banned all new lawn irrigation systems connected to the Company supply after January 1, 2005. If
a customer installed a lawn irrigation system after January 1, 2005 and connected it to the Company’s
supply, the Company requires the Customer to disconnect the banned irrigation system and the
Company also reserves its right to terminate service to this customer until the irrigation system is

Milford Water Department understands that though this policy has been in effect since January 2005 not
all of its customers were properly informed of this policy nor its implications. The Company will begin
to police this policy more closely in the future and will work with local officials and its customers to
address this issue going forward.

The Milford Water Department at this time would like to Thank all of its customers for their cooperation
in this matter and hope that by CONSERVING now we will ensure that we have plenty of water for the

Should you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to call. Information on the
approved Rules and Regulations may also be found by clicking here.


David L. Condrey, Manager Milford Water Department